State machine
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State machine

Finite state machine. More...


file  stateMachine.h


struct  event
 Event. More...
struct  transition
 Transition between a state and another state. More...
struct  state
 State. More...
struct  stateMachine
 State machine. More...


enum  stateM_handleEventRetVals {
  stateM_errArg = -2, stateM_errorStateReached, stateM_stateChanged, stateM_stateLoopSelf,
  stateM_noStateChange, stateM_finalStateReached
 stateM_handleEvent() return values More...


void stateM_init (struct stateMachine *stateMachine, struct state *initialState, struct state *errorState)
 Initialise the state machine.
int stateM_handleEvent (struct stateMachine *stateMachine, struct event *event)
 Pass an event to the state machine.
struct statestateM_currentState (struct stateMachine *stateMachine)
 Get the current state.
struct statestateM_previousState (struct stateMachine *stateMachine)
 Get the previous state.
bool stateM_stopped (struct stateMachine *stateMachine)
 Check if the state machine has stopped.

Detailed Description

Finite state machine.

Andreas Misje

A finite state machine implementation that supports nested states, guards and entry/exit routines. All state machine data is stored in separate objects, and the state machine must be built by the user. States are connected using pointers, and all data can be stored on either the stack, heap or both.

Class Documentation

struct event


Events trigger transitions from a state to another. Event types are defined by the user. Any event may optionally contain a payload.

See Also
nestedTest.c, and stateMachineExample.c.
Class Members
void * data Event payload. How this is used is entirely up to the user. This data is always passed together with type in order to make it possible to always cast the data correctly.
int type Type of event. Defined by user.
struct stateMachine

State machine.

There is no need to manipulate the members directly.

nestedTest.c, and stateMachineExample.c.
Class Members
struct state * currentState Pointer to the current state.
struct state * errorState Pointer to a state that will be entered whenever an error occurs in the state machine. See stateM_errorStateReached for when the state machine enters the error state.
struct state * previousState Pointer to previous state. The previous state is stored for convenience in case the user needs to keep track of previous states.

Enumeration Type Documentation

stateM_handleEvent() return values


Erroneous arguments were passed.


The error state was reached.

This value is returned either when the state machine enters the error state itself as a result of an error, or when the error state is the next state as a result of a successful transition.

The state machine enters the state machine if any of the following happens:

  • The current state is NULL
  • A transition for the current event did not define the next state

The current state changed into a non-final state.


The state changed back to itself.

The state can return to itself either directly or indirectly. An indirect path may inlude a transition from a parent state and the use of entryStates.


The current state did not change on the given event.

If any event passed to the state machine should result in a state change, this return value should be considered as an error.


A final state (any but the error state) was reached.

Function Documentation

struct state* stateM_currentState ( struct stateMachine stateMachine)

Get the current state.

stateMachinethe state machine to get the current state from.
Return values
apointer to the current state.
NULLif stateMachine is NULL.
int stateM_handleEvent ( struct stateMachine stateMachine,
struct event event 

Pass an event to the state machine.

The event will be passed to the current state, and possibly to the current state's parent states (if any). If the event triggers a transition, a new state will be entered. If the transition has an action defined, it will be called. If the transition is to a state other than the current state, the current state's exit action is called (if defined). Likewise, if the state is a new state, the new state's entry action is called (if defined).

The returned value is negative if an error occurs.

stateMachinethe state machine to pass an event to.
eventthe event to be handled.
nestedTest.c, and stateMachineExample.c.
void stateM_init ( struct stateMachine stateMachine,
struct state initialState,
struct state errorState 

Initialise the state machine.

This function initialises the supplied stateMachine and sets the current state to initialState. No actions are performed until stateM_handleEvent() is called. It is safe to call this function numerous times, for instance in order to reset/restart the state machine if a final state has been reached.

The entry action for initialState will not be called.
If initialState is a parent state with its entryState defined, it will not be entered. The user must explicitly set the initial state.
stateMachinethe state machine to initialise.
initialStatethe initial state of the state machine.
errorStatepointer to a state that acts a final state and notifies the system/user that an error has occurred.
nestedTest.c, and stateMachineExample.c.
struct state* stateM_previousState ( struct stateMachine stateMachine)

Get the previous state.

stateMachinethe state machine to get the previous state from.
Return values
theprevious state.
NULLif stateMachine is NULL.
NULLif there has not yet been any transitions.
bool stateM_stopped ( struct stateMachine stateMachine)

Check if the state machine has stopped.

stateMachinethe state machine to test.
Return values
trueif the state machine has reached a final state.
falseif stateMachine is NULL or if the current state is not a final state.